Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Adelin's everyday life

Adelin is growing so fast!! Everyday she is doing something different, we are so amazed by her...After a nice 10 hour night of sleep, she takes her time waking up...hehe, usually with lots of stretching and smiling.  Then of course, she gets a yummy breakfast from Mommy :)  She is such a little chubbers..girl likes to EAT!!  Anyway, after her morning snack she enjoys her toys, it really gets her day going.  Kicking her feet and screaming at the mirror is what she does best :)

Addy likes to sit back and relax and enjoy a good disney movie, Finding Nemo is our favorite! 

Moving on...Its tummy time! She hated this about a month ago but I think she enjoys it now because she is getting stronger! So cute!

All that workin out sure takes it out of her!  Nap time on the ole couch :)

When Daddy gets home she is wide awake and ready for daddy daughter time :) she is so in love with Zach, her eyes light up when he gets home!

So basically between feedings, Addy naps, watches mommy bake, plays with her toys or just watches some movies!  Every night we read a book and go to bed with a full tummy :)  Occasionally we play dress up and take pictures...SHE LOVES DRESS UP!!!!